Cell 411 has been making some waves lately, and we are proud of the impact we are making on the world

Mobile App Saves Lives During Hurricanes And Criminal Assaults
The new mobile app Cell 411 has been helping out people all over the world with its decentralized approach to how people living in the same general geographic area can help each other out in case of emergencies. The app leverages instant, decentralized human networks to allow users to create independent groups where people can leverage their connections in emergencies.
The app, which is available for both Android and Apple devices allows users to build “cells” which are either private or publicly accessible. Their neighbors, friends or families within their cities or immediate vicinity can join those cells and send or receive real-time alerts in case of emergencies, such as a hurricane, flood, criminal activities and car troubles.
Users of the app can tap the “send emergency alert” icons within the app and instantly notify a few or hundreds of other people willing to help; the alert goes out with the user’s exact GPS location so that you can be helped by your neighbors or friends as fast as possible. Unlike other similar apps, Cell 411 does not depend on failing government services which were proven inefficient and ineffective during the Houston flood. In fact, some government officials even prevented help from being provided to those in need, meaning that citizens should only expect to depend on each other, not government in case of emergencies.
Cell 411 has been in use in crime-ridden South Africa for the last years and has been credited with saving several lives during car-jacking attempts and home invasions. It has been featured on CNN as a “must have app” for users to stay safe and has been praised by security companies and formed police officers as an app that could deliver life-saving aid in case of emergency.
The app is completely free of use and can be setup in seconds. Friends can be easily added and usually an entire area or small city can be configured within the app in just a few minutes.
To download Cell 411 go to http://getcell411.com/download
This Mobile App Helps You Fight The U.S. Police State
A small startup that has been around for less than a year has created a free mobile app aimed at helping Americans and people all over the world resist the police state. The app, called Cell 411 (or Cell 112 in Europe), is available in Spanish, Portuguese, German and Romanian, and it helps activists and people from all political shades resist government abuse with decentralized GPS-based alerts and live video features. Whether you are a gun-rights activist, an anti-Trump protester, concerned with police brutality or simply a muslim woman concerned for her safety, this app can help you build decentralized groups, or “cells” of trusted connections which you can then use to dispatch when you need help.
Because this app has been so revolutionary in its approach to building a new way to handle emergencies and the police state, it has been selected by the Victoria & Albert Museum in London to be featured in the “Future of Design” exhibit in 2018.
Think of this app as an “UBER for emergencies” or a “911 on steroids” except it doesn’t involve government, police or people you don’t trust. The app was created by a small group of passionate engineers, activists and people concerned with the growth of police state all over the world. It can be used by anyone with an Android or iOS smartphone and it has tens of thousands of users all over the world.
Here is how it works: users can freely download the app and signup for an account using their e-mail address of Facebook account. Once signed up, a user can join existing public “cells” or groups in their areas, or can create their own cells. Joining a cell allows you to send and receive emergency alerts from the members of that cell. Let’s say you want to create a cell in your town called, “Denver Mutual Aid.” Al users in the Denver area will be notified when this cell was created and can join the cell in order to offer each other help when the members request the help. There are thousands of cells all over the world used by users for many reasons, such as immigration help, neighborhood watching, etc.
You can also create private cells which are only visible to you an not other users, and you can add your friends to your private cells.
The app allows you to send emergency alerts about medical problems, police abuse, vehicle problems, crime, and other issues; the alerts are tagged with your exact GPS coordinates and your friends can get turn-by-turn directions to your location, should they decide to come and offer you help. You can stream live video to your cells and friends, and the video cannot be erased by a malicious user who may gain access to your phone. The video can also be streamed to YouTube and Facebook and is distributed instantly to all your friends, making it nearly impossible to be destroyed.
The app was specifically designed to be resistant to censorship and government surveillance and has been used successfully all over the world to save lives and keep users safe from criminals, police abuse and many other malicious actors.
The company also created a “panic button” which is a bluetooth device that pairs with the mobile app and allows users to issue alerts instantly without having to unlock the phone or spend precious time navigating an app. Recently a “ride sharing” feature was also added to the app to allow users to offer rides to each other when they need help and accept payments for cash, Bitcoin, silver and even bartering.
You can download Cell 411 for Android and Apple devices from http://getcell411.com/download
You can also watch a quick walk-trough of the main features of this app below:
This Smartphone App Helps Protect Your Kids When You’re Not Around
You can’t always be there for your kids in emergency situations. But it’s likely that someone in your network — a trusted neighbor, friend or other family member — is nearby and can respond. With Cell 411 your kids can summon help in real-time from people you know.
- Learn more: http://GetCell411.com
- Android download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.safearx.cell411
- iOS download: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cell-411/id1023158186
Your kids are the best thing that ever happened to you. You tell your kids that you love them. Every day. You invest in your kids. You share adventures. And knowledge.
But what happens if your kids need help and you’re not around? Wouldn’t it be great if there were a tool that your kids could use to summon help from people you know – people who have their best interest at heart?
There is. Cell 411 – the free, emergency alert and response app. With Cell 411, your kid can send an alert to trusted neighbors, friends and family in unlikely but serious events like a threatening stranger, fire, or medical emergency.
In an ideal world, you’d never have to worry that your kids might be in a dangerous situation. But since you can’t always be there, download Cell 411 for you and your kids today. Cell 411 – emergency response from people you know.
Cell 411 Walkthrough: Your P2P Emergency Response App
Cell 411 — a free, powerful smartphone app that connects you to your trusted network — facilitates real-time emergency response. This video tutorial showcases some of its functionality, including sending and receiving alerts, streaming, patrol mode, and more.
- Learn more: http://GetCell411.com
- Android download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.safearx.cell411
- iOS download: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cell-411/id1023158186
Mobile Startup Cell 411 to Announce Ride Sharing Service
Cell 411 Inc., the maker of the emergency management platform and app Cell 411 announced today that it is just days away from introducing a ride-sharing feature in their app, which will allow users to reach out to each other and request or offer rides to others as they need them. The feature will operate in a decentralized fashion, which allows users to get in touch with each other when a need for ride hailing arise, without dictating prices, methods of paying or any other centralized dictates from the company.
The Cell 411 app was created as an emergency response mobile platform which allows users to request help from trusted friends, family members or others in the community and now is expanding its reach into the market of offering help to those who may need a ride in an emergency.
Unlike Uber and Lyft, Cell 411 will offer the feature completely free to both drivers and riders, without taking a percentage of payments away. The company is offering the feature first to former Uber and Lyft drivers in Austin which were left unemployed after the city decided to ban ride sharing.

Cell 411 will allow ride sharing users to accept Bitcoin, Cash, Credit Card and bartering as payment methods
“We are taking a completely new and different approach to helping our users with rides in case of emergency. Our goal has always been to put people in touch with each other and we will simply stay out of decisions about how users pay each other and how they offer and respond to requests for help. We don’t have the right to step in and dictate when and how people offer help to each other, and neither do cities and governments,” said Virgil Vaduva, founder and CEO and Cell 411.
The method employed by Cell 411 will allow mobile users to request rides from any other user willing to offer rides or offer help to members of their community. Payment will not be required unless drivers specify they want a tip to cover their time and gas, and various payment methods can be used, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Monero, Credit Cards, Cash or bartering. Once agreeing upon the terms of a ride request, users will be able to offer each other transportation help without paying any fees to the company.
“We built the Cell 411 platform to make the world a better and safer place, and facilitating our users to have their basic freedom of movement rights is a logical next step for us. I’m looking forward to empowering users in Austin TX, Portsmouth NH and many other cities all over the world to get help without fear of being gouged or without fear of their rights being violated by government employees,” said Vaduva.
The company will release version 5 of their Cell 411 app within a matter of days in order to introduce ride sharing support and additional features aimed at improving the platform.
Former and current Uber and Lyft drivers in Austin showed excitement when hearing about Cell 411’s plans. A launch party for Cell 411 Version 5 is planned in Austin but no details about the date and location have been released yet.
If you want to download Cell 411, you can download it from http://getcell411.com

21st Century Security is Peer-to-Peer: Mobile App Makes it All Possible
I keep one in my car and one on my keychain. In an emergency, like being pulled over or witnessing an arrest, I press it and dozens of first responders are alerted. They instantly know my emergency and location.
This is 21st-Century security. With beauty and simplicity that seems inspired by Apple, the Cell 411 Panic Button might be better-named “the Relax Button.” Finally I can relax knowing that in an emergency, I don’t need ten types of hand-eye coordination to alert first responders. One press of a button is all it takes.
My friend Link posted about it to Facebook:
“One of the coolest features is that it’s drop sensitive. Do you know how many thousands of people pay for subscriptions to emergency button services so someone will come help them up when they fall down? And now they can have that functionality for free in a way that calls people they know and trust who won’t automatically take them to the ER and drive up medical costs just to cover their asses!”
The buttons can be purchased for $25 each, and they come with accessories for easy every-day carry. Here is how the retailer describes the device:
The Cell 411 Panic Button connects to your Cell 411 application running on Android or iOS smartphone wirelessly over Bluetooth, providing users with a quick and easy way to alert your friends, neighbors, caregivers and loved ones in the event of an emergency. It can be carried in your pocket or bag or worn on the wrist or around the neck with the available accessories.
After pressing the Cell 411 panic button, an emergency alert will be sent out to the chosen cell or group of friends you configured. Your GPS location will be sent to your Cell 411 friends in real time, so they can come and assist you with turn by turn direction.